
Skype でチャット♪

今朝、Shared Talk で友達になったカナダのBillさんとSkypeでチャットしました。

今日の通話では彼の娘さんが出てくれて、最後はweb カメラでバイバイしてくれました。

 以下、今朝のチャットをコピーして貼り付けてみました。M.Yは私。friendly がBillさん。
[7:32:37] M.Y: good evening for you.
[7:32:48] friendly: hello good morning hehehhehe
[7:32:59] M.Y: How are you?
[7:33:11] friendly: great and you good morning
[7:33:45] M.Y: Nice. It stopped raining.
[7:34:01] friendly: thats great we may have snow by morning
    M.Y it's cold there.
[7:35:02] friendly: that would be warm here hehehehehe
[7:35:49] M.Y: What are you doing today?
[7:36:03] friendly: I finished work now home relaxing
[7:36:39] M.Y: Nice. watching Tv?
[7:37:39] friendly: typing with you
     M.Y Oh. me too. but, i must go to work 1hour later.
[7:39:09] friendly: nice I will hope you have a productive day that is just busy enough :)
[7:40:14] M.Y: I finshed preparing to go out, so i am sitting before my pc.
[7:40:48] friendly: wonderful
[7:42:07] M.Y: You have 3 sfits. it is difficult to adjust to your family.
[7:42:29] friendly: yes that is true
[7:44:09] M.Y: do your family always wait for you?
[7:46:20] friendly: sometimes mostly I wait for them.  
    M.Y wow. it is wonderful for them . did you have dinner together?
[7:48:07] friendly: yes we did :)
[7:48:24] M.Y: Who cooked?
[7:49:06] friendly: mcdonalds heheheheeh
[7:50:29] M.Y: oh, it sounds nice. In japan we have mcdonalds,too.but they are smaller than yours.
[7:50:41] friendly: true
[7:51:58] M.Y: a cup of coffee is so large that I can't drink all. maybe.
[7:52:17] friendly: I know they make things large here too?
[7:53:51] M.Y: you have very large body ! you have large mouth, too. hahaha :P
[7:54:03] friendly: hehehe may i open my cam for a brief moment?
[7:54:08] friendly: heheheheeh
[7:54:18] friendly: well i am only 173cm tall
[7:55:40] M.Y: oh, it is the same size as my husband. my son is 180cm tall.
[7:56:14] friendly: you are the same size as my husband , you should try to avoid calling people it
[7:56:16] friendly: :)
[7:57:36] M.Y: I don't know " calling people it" please tell me.
[7:58:27] friendly: it is that same size as my husband when you should say you are the same hieght as my husband
[7:59:31] friendly: also a common error" it has to go to the mall for shopping,,," the use of it to show a meaning of a person
[8:00:52] M.Y: thank you. I understand very well. I called you "it" . I mistake.
[8:02:05] friendly: and sometimes you call yourself it too :) I notice that alot with foriegn speakersso i gently try to show how the use can be avoided :)
[8:02:41] friendly: may i call you?
[8:03:01] M.Y: thank you. I wait.
[8:03:21] *** friendlyからの通話、通話時間06:51。 ***
[8:10:29] friendly: you can say you hada great morning discussion at work today
[8:11:40] friendly: and if there are others from you work who wish to practice english please feel free to ask them to contact me
[8:12:43] M.Y: I wil talk about this mornig conversation to my students boastingly. thank you. some day they speak to you!
[8:13:51] friendly: I welcome the chance to talk with them and you
[8:14:13] friendly: at the same time one day
[8:14:54] M.Y: Thank you very much. I am looking forward to doing that.see you. good night
friendly: bye have a great day

 Billさんは英語を練習したい人はどうぞcontact me といってくれてますよ。

Posted by Let's study together at 20:03│Comments(0)