


[2013/06/17 9:42:15] Misako: at last I lost my weight!
[2013/06/17 9:42:19] Misako: -2kg
[2013/06/17 9:42:37] Misako: only 2kg (:|
[2013/06/17 9:42:41] Wayne: (clap)
[2013/06/17 9:43:48] Wayne: yes you can
[2013/06/17 9:44:10] Wayne: Do not buy sweets or have them in your house
[2013/06/17 9:44:37] Misako: ohhh, it is the most difficult :P
[2013/06/17 9:45:01] Wayne: no it is not
[2013/06/17 9:45:10] Wayne: Just do not have it in your house
[2013/06/17 9:45:17] Misako: hai
[2013/06/17 9:45:17] Wayne: (y)
[2013/06/17 9:45:25] Misako: wakarimashiata
[2013/06/17 9:46:09] Misako: I don't buy them by myself,
                    but eat them in my pharmacy in rest time
[2013/06/17 9:46:21] Wayne: ha ha ha....bad idea
[2013/06/17 9:46:42] Wayne: :x...do not eat
[2013/06/17 9:48:51] Misako: I am so nervous lady that I cannot refuse to eat them together
[2013/06/17 9:49:12] Wayne: ha ha ha ha
[2013/06/17 9:49:22] Wayne: I am sure you can do it.
[2013/06/17 9:49:26] Wayne: no
[2013/06/17 9:50:24] Misako: maybe i cannot win the temptation
[2013/06/17 9:50:29] Misako: haha
[2013/06/17 9:50:53] Wayne: it is a matter of mind over matter....
                    just tell yourself you don't like them
[2013/06/17 9:51:17] Misako: ohhh, no! I like them veeeeeeeery much
[2013/06/17 9:51:27] Wayne: (facepalm)
[2013/06/17 9:51:31] Wayne: wrong answer
[2013/06/17 9:51:49] Misako: sorry :P
[2013/06/17 9:51:52] Wayne: ha ha ha ha
[2013/06/17 9:52:26] Wayne: DO not think of sweets as a treat.Think about how far you must walk to lose the calories from that sweet
[2013/06/17 9:54:01] Wayne: A fast walk uses up about 460 calories in one hour
[2013/06/17 9:54:11] Wayne:1sweet = one hour of walking
[2013/06/17 9:54:57] Misako: ohhhh, very strict
[2013/06/17 9:55:02] Wayne: hai


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